Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spells and Conjure for a Peaceful Home during The Holidays

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

...except if it's your turn to host Christmas/Hannukah/Solstice/Festivus dinner and three members of your family aren't speaking to each other, half the folks are on diets and the other half insist on leaving "FOX News" on during the meal.

Oh, and the cat just barfed on the floor.

There are conjure tricks and spells you can do to create a peaceful home during the holidays, or any time of year. 

Basil is a wonderful herb for house blessing, peace and holiness.  Get some fresh leaves of basil and let them sit in a cup of spring water for three days.  On the fourth day, sprinkle that water around your home using the basil sprigs as a sprinkler.  There's an old saying: "Evil can't be seen where basil has been." 

You can put a teaspoon of dried basil leaves in a few cups of water and set it to a low simmer on the back of the stove (hey, you're using the stove anyway, right?)  The odor of simmering basil will create a peaceful atmosphere and stop arguments, especially over who gets to clean up the cat barf.

Oh, go clean that cat barf up.  I'll wait.

Back again?  Groovy.  Another thing you can do after a big party or gathering is to cut up some lemons and put a half in each corner of the room where you had the shindig.  Leave the lemons overnight (to absorb minor bad energy), for three days (to absorb a *lot* of bad energy) or for seven days (if your teenager had a kegger and hired a death metal band for entertainment).  You can also substitute eggs; put one in each corner.  Are you afraid the cats are going to eat these things and barf *them* back up?  Put each egg or lemon in a little cup.  After however many days you're doing to leave those things out, put them in a brown paper bag and dispose of the used lemons or eggs at a crossroads.

Are you having over your in-laws and they still haven't forgiven you for marrying into the family?  A few days before they arrive, get out your sugar bowl or canister.  Write each in-law's name on a slip of paper and bury them at the bottom of the bowl.  That will "sweeten them up" to you.  Here's the key: cook with that sugar.  Bake things with it and serve it to the in-laws; they will get sweeter to you as they eat the items.  Top off the canister when the sugar gets low, but leave those names in there.

If you're having friends or family stay at your place, take some of your towels and washclothes that you're going to give them to use.  Steep some basil and rosemary (another great peaceful home herb) in boiling water for 9 minutes.  Pray the 23rd Psalm over it and state that the people staying in your home will be agreeable and peaceful.  Wash the towels in regular soap and add the basil/rosemary water to the *rinse* cycle.  Dry as usual.  Voila!  You have magically dressed towels.  You can also add some of this basil/rosemary water to your mop water to mop your floors; pray as you mop that everyone who walks in your home will be peaceful and there will be no arguments.

And PS: since basil and rosemary are two herbs that are edible, pray over some of them before you add them to your holiday meals.  That way, there will be fewer arguments over the 2012 election at the dinner table, and more time to enjoy your family and friends in peace. 

1 comment:

  1. As always I so enjoy your posts!! Thank you for your blog!
