Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Dress A Hoodoo Vigil Candle: A Picture Tutorial

Clean off your candle with a paper towel and some Florida water, praying that all energy be removed from the candle so it's "neutral" for your purpose.  Clean the top of the wax too, it gets dusty.  If you don't have Florida water, dilute a little ammonia in some regular water and use that.

Write your petition across the Bible verse.  In this case I wrote "May all those who see this picture of the candle be healed and blessed".  The Bible verse I used was Acts 9, chapter 32.  It talks about Peter healing a woman thought to be dead.  Fold the petition towards you (f you're bringing something to you) or away from you (if you're banishing something).  Light it and let it burn to ash.  Keep praying while you do this.

Carve your petition around the edge of the glass in a clockwise motion.  You don't have to use whole sentences; just a few key words are good.  Then use your screwdriver (or pointy tool of choice) and drive 4 holes into the candle in the shape of a cross.

Mix your herbs or powder with the ash from your petition.  Pray while you do so.  I used Angelica, for healing, and Frankincense, to oomph it up.

Sprinkle your ash/herb mixture on the surface of the wax, packing it into the holes and praying your petition again.  Then, pour a little conjure oil into your hands, rub them together fast and pray your desired petition till your hands get nice and hot.  Rub them down the glass.  Dribble a little conjure oil into the holes on top of the candle.

Light the candle, repeating your petition.  Please be careful with fire; have fire extinguishers in your house and watch the burn; sometimes herb chunks can catch on fire.

And there you go!  Feel free to ask questions in the comments.

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