Monday, January 16, 2012

Conjure Item O' The Week: Lemon

Hi everyone!  When life hands you lemons, use them in magic :)


WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The grocery store, in the produce section. 

WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR IN CONJURE?: Lemons are used to drive away evil in many cultures.  It also is a good cleansing scent (hey, look at how many lemon-scented cleansing products there are!). 

If you want to get rid of someone who's driving you nuts, cut open a fresh lemon.  Write the offender's name on a piece of paper and put that in the lemon.  Pin the lemon back together with nine pins.  Bury the lemon in the West (because as the Sun goes down, your enemy will be brought down and his/her life will be sour).

A great basic cleansing/removing evil bath you can take is: 1 cup strong black coffee, 3 Tablespoons of Kosher Salt, and 1 Tablespoon of fresh Lemon juice.  Mix it all together, pour the liquid into a tub of warm water, and get in.  While soaking, read out loud from Isaiah chapters 41 and 43.  That will take all evil off of you.  Get out of the tub, air dry or gently pat yourself dry.  Don't forget to dress your body with an appropriate conjure oil for luck or blessings; you need to put good stuff back on your body now that you took the bad stuff off! :)

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