Monday, January 23, 2012

Conjure Item O' The Week: Pyrite

Hi everyone!  Let's take a look at Pyrite, the shiny golden rock of hoodoo.

NAMES: Pyrite aka iron disulphide, fool's gold.

WHERE DO I GET IT?: A rock shop, New Age stores, Ebay, Lucky Mojo Curio Company, etc.

WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?: Pyrite isn't really gold, but its' shiny appearance and resemblance to gold make it ideal for money work and good luck in gambling. 

Get a good sized chunk of pyrite and put it on your money altar.
Put a smaller chunk in a green mojo bag, along with any number of money-drawing herbs such as Allspice, Cinnamon, Thyme, and Nutmeg.  Make sure there's a total that equals an odd number.  Dress the bag with a conjure oil appropriate for money drawing and voila!  Carry that bag with you where no one can see it or touch it.

Tip: If you buy a crystal bath that contains pyrite, save the little pieces and chunks after you're done working.  Put the little grits in your wallet; they will draw money to you. 

Add pyrite to a money-drawing oil lamp to oomph it up.

It's just so shiny and pretty, isn't it? :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Dress A Hoodoo Vigil Candle: A Picture Tutorial

Clean off your candle with a paper towel and some Florida water, praying that all energy be removed from the candle so it's "neutral" for your purpose.  Clean the top of the wax too, it gets dusty.  If you don't have Florida water, dilute a little ammonia in some regular water and use that.

Write your petition across the Bible verse.  In this case I wrote "May all those who see this picture of the candle be healed and blessed".  The Bible verse I used was Acts 9, chapter 32.  It talks about Peter healing a woman thought to be dead.  Fold the petition towards you (f you're bringing something to you) or away from you (if you're banishing something).  Light it and let it burn to ash.  Keep praying while you do this.

Carve your petition around the edge of the glass in a clockwise motion.  You don't have to use whole sentences; just a few key words are good.  Then use your screwdriver (or pointy tool of choice) and drive 4 holes into the candle in the shape of a cross.

Mix your herbs or powder with the ash from your petition.  Pray while you do so.  I used Angelica, for healing, and Frankincense, to oomph it up.

Sprinkle your ash/herb mixture on the surface of the wax, packing it into the holes and praying your petition again.  Then, pour a little conjure oil into your hands, rub them together fast and pray your desired petition till your hands get nice and hot.  Rub them down the glass.  Dribble a little conjure oil into the holes on top of the candle.

Light the candle, repeating your petition.  Please be careful with fire; have fire extinguishers in your house and watch the burn; sometimes herb chunks can catch on fire.

And there you go!  Feel free to ask questions in the comments.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to Take a Spiritual Cleansing Bath

You will need:

-Water, a few cups.  Traditionally, workers used rain water, river water, or another type of "natural" water.  You can use tap water, and it's OK, but I have had wonderful results using rain water or spring water too.

-Herbs or minerals or liquids to put in the water to create your spiritual bath.  You want an odd number of ingredients, as few as 3 and as many as 13.  Here are some suggestions:

For uncrossing/cleansing:  Strong black coffee, salt, lemon juice, Lemon Balm herb, ammonia, Hyssop herb, Rue herb

For good luck: Salt, Cinnamon, Sugar, High John the Conqueror root, Hoyt's Cologne, Blueing balls or liquid, Rose petals

For money drawing: Cinnamon, Sugar, Thyme herb, High John the Conqueror, Nutmeg herb, Irish Moss herb

Next, pick your ingredients for the spiritual bath.  Let's say you were going to do a money drawing bath.  Put water in a pot on the stove to boil.  You could take Cinnamon chips, some Nutmeg and Thyme and mix them together.  About 1 teaspoon of each herb is enough for a spiritual bath for one person. 

Mix the ingredients together and *pray*.  Tell the herbs what you want them to do for you.  Describe your need for money and ask that all your requests be granted in God's name, Amen.  Pray from your heart.

When the water gets to a boil, you add your herb mixture and stir, then take the pot off the heat.  I like to put my herbs in a tea ball so they aren't floating all over, but you could also add the herbs loosely and strain them out when the bath is done.

Let the mixture steep; I time it for an odd number of minutes, such as 7, 9 or 11.  When the time is up, strain out the herbs and take the herb bath to your bathroom

Run a tub of warm water and put in the stopper.  Add your herb bath to the water and pray your intention as you mix it all up.  Undress and get in the tub.

Using a bowl or pot, scoop the water up and pour it over your head to get yourself completely wet.  Now, since this is a money-drawing bath, once you're completely wet you want to start rubbing the bath water UP your body, from toes to head.  You're PULLING the energy of money towards you. 

As you do this, pray.  Traditionally, people pray the 23rd Psalm since it is considered the luckiest Psalm.  After you're done reciting the Psalm, state your petition out loud again and pray that it be granted.

Step out of the tub.  You should let yourself air-dry (don't towel yourself off).  If you have long hair, you can wrap it up in a towel.  As you air-dry, keep praying for what you want.  Scoop up a small amount of your used bathwater and set it aside.  Drain the tub.

When you're all dry, dress your body in an appropriate conjure oil depending on your condition.  In this case, try an Attraction or Money Drawing oil.  You dab some on the soles of your feet going from toes to heel (be careful not to slip on the floor!!), and all your pulse points going up your body (behind knees, over your heart, both wrists, your neck, and the top of your head).

Dress yourself in fresh clean clothes (not the ones you wore yesterday to work).  Take your used bathwater that you saved outside and throw it a)towards the East, so the Sun can increase your work or b) at a crossroads.  Walk away and don't look back.  All done!

NOTE: Some workers take all spiritual baths just before dawn.  You can do that if it feels right to you, but another way to work is "by the clock".  Let's say you're taking a ritual bath to remove a jinx or curse.  You can get everything ready and start taking the bath at 8:20AM, because the clock hands are going DOWN (and therefore removing bad conditions).  Then, as the clock hands are going UP (from 8:30 AM to 9:00 in this example)  you're drying off, praying and anointing yourself from toes to head with an appropriate oil to give you luck and success.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Conjure Item O' The Week: Lemon

Hi everyone!  When life hands you lemons, use them in magic :)


WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The grocery store, in the produce section. 

WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR IN CONJURE?: Lemons are used to drive away evil in many cultures.  It also is a good cleansing scent (hey, look at how many lemon-scented cleansing products there are!). 

If you want to get rid of someone who's driving you nuts, cut open a fresh lemon.  Write the offender's name on a piece of paper and put that in the lemon.  Pin the lemon back together with nine pins.  Bury the lemon in the West (because as the Sun goes down, your enemy will be brought down and his/her life will be sour).

A great basic cleansing/removing evil bath you can take is: 1 cup strong black coffee, 3 Tablespoons of Kosher Salt, and 1 Tablespoon of fresh Lemon juice.  Mix it all together, pour the liquid into a tub of warm water, and get in.  While soaking, read out loud from Isaiah chapters 41 and 43.  That will take all evil off of you.  Get out of the tub, air dry or gently pat yourself dry.  Don't forget to dress your body with an appropriate conjure oil for luck or blessings; you need to put good stuff back on your body now that you took the bad stuff off! :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Conjure Item O' the Week: Cinnamon!

Happy first of the week, everyone!  Let's get spicy!

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cinnamomum aromaticum, and other members of the "Cinnamomum" family.

WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Unless you happen to live in a rainforest of Sri Lanka, you can buy this at your local grocery store.  Some brands are better than others in terms of freshness and fragrance.  It comes in sticks or powdered.

WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR?: Cinnamon is awesome for money drawing and business luck.  Mix some with Sugar (to sweeten money to you) and sprinkle it across your front door step, or across the sidewalk leading into your business. 

Cinnamon oil is used as a base fragrance for many money/prosperity oils out there, but be very careful if using the essential oil; it can burn your skin if it's undilluted!  Mix pure essential oil of cinnamon with a carrier oil like jojoba or sweet almond oil before using for self-anointing.

If you have to speak to someone and have your words well-received, get a cinnamon stick and suck on it just before you talk to the person; your words and message will be "sweet" to their ears.

Cinnamon is also termed a "sweet hot" herb, and can be used to heat up a love or passion formula.  Ginger also works like this. 

If you want to encourage commerce or sell a home, put some cinnamon sticks in a pot of water and set it over a low heat on your stove (real estate agents swear that the smell of cinnamon-apple pie will make people more receptive to buying or renting a property).  Make sure you check the water level occaisionally so it doesn't burn the pan!

Here's an easy money-drawing mojo: take 3 cinnamon sticks, a pinch of whole Cloves, a pinch of Thyme, a dime, and a whole Nutmeg.  Dress each item with a money drawing oil if you like (may I recommend Mary Bee Conjure's Money and Prosperity Oil?) and pray over the items that you will have money and prosperity drawn to you.  Sew the items up in a red or green flannel mojo bag and carry it on your person, where no one can see it.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mary Bee Conjure Bonanza Store

All my oils, vigil setting services and reading/consulations are available for purchase at my Bonanza store.

Come over and see what's cooking!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Conjure oils for Sale: Now, with Pictures!

Mary Bee Conjure oils are made from 100% natural and traditional herbs, roots, minerals and essential oils.  The base is sweet almond and jojoba oils with Vitamin E as a natural preservative. 

From left to right:

Money Prosperity Oil - my formula for anointing your cash, your wallet or yourself to draw in the green!

Shields Up! Oil - A protection blend.  Dress your front door and windows to keep away evil.

Hot Foot Oil - If they need to get moving out of your life, use this oil!  Dress doorknobs, personal articles, or whatever to make them hit the road!

Love Commanding Oil - A love dominance formula.  If you want the upper hand in a romantic relationship or a "follow me boy/girl" type thing, this is for you.

Flower of Love Oil - A sweeter love oil, very suitable for wearing as a perfume or dressing candles where you and your lover will meet :)

The first four oils are $4.00 apiece plus shipping.  The Flower of Love oil is $3.00 plus shipping since it's a smaller amount.  All oils are sold as curios only.  I accept PayPal.  Email me or comment here if you'd like to try my authentic, prayed over oils!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Conjure Item O' The Week: Blueing

Happy new year, everyone!  Let's start off 2012 with an item used to cleanse and purify: Blueing!

SCIENTIFIC NAME: The old POISONOUS form of blueing was copper sulfphate.  The current YOU STUFF SHOULD USE is laundry blueing balls or a liquid blueing washing soda mixed with dye, as shown below:

WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Most grocery stores.  Look in the laundry section near the bleach.

WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?: The liquid form is excellent for dissolving in water to make a purifying bath or floor wash.  Make sure you dilute it very well or the dye will stain and if you end up looking like a Smurf after your bath, don't say I didn't warn you :)

If you get the solid blueing balls, you can put one in a mojo bag with some Alum salt and some dimes (an odd number) to make a mojo hand for gambling luck.

You can make a great cleansing bath for yourself by running a tub of hot water, dissolving a few tablespoons of Salt (see previous entry) in the water and adding nine drops of Blueing.  Add 1 Tablespoon of household Ammonia and stir the water well, praying that you will be cleansed.  Get in and soak for 9 minutes.  Make sure all parts of your body get submerged at least once.  Get out of the tub and air dry yourself (don't towel dry).  Save a cup of your used bathwater before you drain the tub.  Dress in fresh clean clothes and take the used water outside and throw it to the West, praying that the evil will be taken away from you.  Go inside and don't look back.  Dress yourself with an appropriate oil; you just cleansed *everything* off of you, so now you have to put some good ju-ju back in.  You can use an Attraction formula, a Good Luck oil or get some plain olive oil and pray the 23rd Psalm over it.  Then lightly dab the blessed oil on the soles of your feet, all your pulse points and the top of your head.  Voila!